Jan 31, 2011


Ideile celor fara lumina, nascuti in intuneric,

Acestia, mereu, vin mai aproape

La pierzanie sa te imbie,

Nu stii tu oare cati ca tine au crezut ca pot?

Intrezaresti tu oare, noaptea ce sfarsit nu are?
Cunosti tu lumea de dincolo de spirite,

Acolo unde un suflet a ucis un soare,

Spre a se bucura de Bezna tacerii?

Ai intrezarit vreodata cordonul ce te leaga,

De al tau les tomnatic, ce pare ca nu te iarta?

Unde e secretul? Unde e lumina?

Cand poti a urma oare cararea asternuta la picioare?

Te inchizi in tine si speri sa vezi altceva,

Nu doar pareri, nu doar icoane mute,

Ce nu stiu pe nimeni sa asculte,

Rugaciuni inutile, catre un zeu in multime…

Pacatul tau, doar unul,

Ignoranta ce continua sa te domine,

Sa nu cumva sa indraznesti sa te intrebi de ce,

Moartea ce vine e doar pentru tine…

Eterna inchinare, pentru toti cei asemeni tie

Cei ce refuza sa vada, lumina stelei ce rasarise candva…

Lumina lumii, se stinge in lacrimi, de sange?

Vezi oare acum aurita mea carare?

In sus sau in jos, ordine sau haos,

Ce iti doresti? Ce vei urma? Abisul?

Poate ingerul din vis era un demon,

Ai tu a stii de unde, de-ti spune adevar, sau minte?

Prea pura comedie, divina poate, sau infernala iarasi,

Nu vezi, nu stii, nu crezi si nu vei auzi vreodata,

Glasul lor ce inca vegheaza, sa te desprinzi din tine,

Te-ai naste inca odata in asta lume…

Jan 30, 2011


There is a devil in me, I know him well

The angel on my shoulder weeps on and on,

The fate that lies ahead of me, fights to remain unknown,

The Darkness I left behind me is all too far away…

Perhaps I’m in the same place like yesterday…

But is it the same place in the grand scheme of things?

You can only be in a place one time and one alone

There is no returning, no taking back the deeds that are done…

For a tortured spirit, to become a demon,

There is but one step, releasing himself thus from the pain of flesh,

The joys of the past and the final hope for the future,

Embracing hate and lust for all that lasts forever…

Destroy what you love, for never you shall find it

All could be so very clear, hide behind the mask,

Weep for what you shall become,

Let your very essence go, then live forever to regret it…

Reality is distorted, reality is disorder

Perception is madness, memories are chaos,

Life is what we dread and what we hope,

Madness thus becomes the purest form of reason…

Jan 28, 2011

Wandering Spirit

Broken, lies the soul

Into the pit of oblivion,

The nightmares may begin,

Cast by the final kiss…

Empowering words simply disappear,

Beneath the burden of lost future worlds,

The skies are falling, never ending nights,

Ruled by the demons in the pit…

Somewhere, somehow, somebody died,

Greatest news for the weakened in heart and mind,

Don’t be afraid, don’t try to reconsider,

Somewhere, somehow, die we must all…

I miss the times back when the rain didn’t mattered,

The lack of perspective keeps being intriguing,

The mask shall vanish once again,

Underneath it the new face shall be the mask itself

Beyond the last words spoken,

Reminders of a curse never forgotten

There are no spells, no souls that can unbind it,

The angels and demons weep before its magnificence…

For the final time, behold the sun,

Lose your mind gazing at the moon, through the dead trees,

Drown the very essence of this world with your tears,

Rejoice at last, young mortal, the time to know shall come…

Jan 25, 2011

Slipping conscious...

There is no sacrifice without blood,

There is no soul without tears,

I want to know all souls,

Therefore I shall drink all of your tears…

There is no gesture lacking a meaning,

There are no lies before your reaper,

The lady with the scythe knows all,

In the moment she sips life from your soul...

Sweet oblivion, I know you, I’ve seen you

So close that time, just for a moment,

My mind was alone, there was no torment,

It was but peaceful darkness dragging me away...

A suitable place for my tired bones,

My own piece of hell where no mortal shall intrude,

Damnation is measured in the lies we believe,

What dreams may come, shall come and go…

Jan 18, 2011

Lumina Lumii

Ce speri sa vezi atunci cand mori?
Ingerii nevazuti ai zeilor de nicaieri?

Purta-te-vor acestia in slava cerurilor?

De va fi asa, va fi doar ca sa te scape,

Din nou, tarana, in vestmantul de oase

Putrezi-vor cele ce au fost,

Si peste tine vor ridica si case

Bucurase-vor profetii invierii,

Cand vorba lor nu va strica decat tihna tacerii?

Casa credintei, leaganul perversiunii

Desfid vorbele goale ale nimicniciei,

Deznadejdea e pentru cei ce au sperat candva,

Restul se bucura de simfonia haosului...

Cata bucurie doar datorita unui gram de nebunie,

Ma intreb, cata durere pentru o clipa de placere?

Caut motivul? Ma prefac a fi atat de mic,

Doar ca sa ma vedeti a fi un om potrivit? De ce?

Sa caut oare un loc in paradis?

Sa-mi fie mie asta, doar ca om permis?

Ma injosesc sa caut perfectiunea,

Spre a regreta subit cati ani am irosit?

Mai vrei raspunsuri, pleava?

Mai poti ridica acum mai multe intrebari?
Cine sunt?De ce iti spun ce spun?De ce eu?

Rezultatul final a doua mii de ani de rugaciune…

Demon, eretic, om, preot, profet, inger, sau zeu

Cum poate un simplu nume,

Sa descrie complexitatea sufletului ce ma anima?

Pentru ca tot ce esti si tot ce sunt, pana la urma,

Se rezuma intr-o lacrima, un zambet, putina tacere,

Mai multa durere, un zambet, o alta lacrima,

Mai multa tacere, un chin, putina placere,

Un ranjet de durere, o masca de lut, o lacrima uscata,

O frunza ce cade moarta la pamant, sau sub pamant,

Un firicel de nisip oarecare, dar mai trufas decat zeul soare...

Jan 15, 2011


Traveled the world above,

Traveled the world below,

Watched the saints gathering in a row,

Weeping for their sins…

The sheering pain of dying martyrs,

Pales before the ecstasy of sinners,

The weeping angels shall be gone

Before the dead light of dawn.

The screams of the world above,

The joy of the world below,

All hell’s angels dismissed their claws,

Rejoicing back in paradise…

You see, they are tired of pointless game,

Tired aren’t we all?

The masquerade of biblical proportions,

Shall end with the refuse to fight.

Traveled the worlds above,

Traveled the worlds below,

Spread my wings and I’ve seen it all,

There is still a gap in what I know…

Jan 12, 2011


As the suns sets here,

There is a place where it shall rise,

Damnation, darker, just before all dawns,

The fall is but for the fallen…

As the man that dies,

Closes his eyes,

Delivers his soul to darkness,

He’s bound to rise again...

As another to be reborn,

To open his hungry eyes,

devour light,

And all beauty thus laid,

Again, before him…

Jan 8, 2011

Graven Image

II,27: There is great danger in Me; for who does not understand these runes shall make a great miss. He shall fall down into the pit called Because, and there he shall perish with the dogs of Reason.
Aleister Crowley, Book of the Law

Crawl between your own thoughts,

The worms shall bathe you in their sins,

Whispered words from a graven image:

“Salvation faded from your grasp…”

The dust of past beliefs,

Is to be laid on our graves,

The angels are to perish,

As I close my eyes and make my wish…

Storms and thorns of yesterday,

The blood that floods the past,

The tears from that future nightmare,

All shall fade like it never was…

Prepare your bed for eternal rest,

Perhaps you’ll dream, perhaps you’ll scream,

But after all the deeds of death are done,

You’ll close your eyes in shame…